Assignment 4.


Dislocation Emission in Fe

And the gamma surface.


Dislocations move most readily in slip planes. The plane examined here is the (112) Type plane. The (112) plane is not a typical BCC slip plane. The reason dislocations move in slip planes is because their high packing density makes dislocation motion easy. The plane chosen here does not have good packing, and is therefore not a good plane for dislocations to move on. Furthermore, high packing planes have lower energy which dislocation motion favors. Dislocation movement is key to the ductility of metals. Ductility is the ability of a metal to plastically deform. The smaller the stress that is needed to plastically deform the higher the ductility. If dislocations are allowed to move through slip planes easily then the material will deform plastically. In planes where dislocation can not move dislocations become tangled and the material will resist plastic deformation. The plot shown is important because it shows the areas where dislocations could move through. The higher the plot the higher the energy. Dislocations will tend not to move through high energy areas. Since this plot has so much high energy it can be inferred that dislocation will not be easy in theis plane except in the [-1-11] direction. This plot is a good contrast to other data arrived at by the other groups where low energy paths are prevalent.



Literature values such as those found in Table 1 of Farkas et al./Surface Science (360) 1996 282-288 are close to those displayed in this table. Literature values could not be found for the (112) plane. The (111) plane in Farkas' paper, reported a surface energy of 0.801J/m^2. Thus the peak value of approximately 0.6J/m^2 is close to the published value. The fact that the published and calculated values are within 20%, gives confidence that the plot is accurate.