CRCD Tools Home Page

Netscape / Internet Explorer / VRML Cosmo Plugin /
JWave / NPIB / WebLab Viewer / AtomView / CCC_atom

Objective: Provide tools for the remote-site user and instructions on how to install and create interactive NPIB & JWave server interfaces.

Web Browsers

For tools such as Netscape or Internet Explorer (IE) we encourage the user to go to the appropriate web site and download the current version of Netscape or IE that will run on their particular SUN, SGI, Windows98, NT, etc. operating system. For covenience we have archived the 4.5 version of Netscape Communicator and a compatible version of Cosmo VRML Player that will work on the students' Windows computer.
Netscape 4.05: Download / Netscape 4.5: Download / VRML plugins: 1) Windows: Cosmo: Download , 2) Solaris:VRweb: Installation

NPIB / JWave
(creating your own interactive interface)

NPIB (Network Programing Interface Builder) forms are used in the section on "Interactive Computer Program Modules" for each of the scales: "Nano" / "Micro" / "Macro" (Continuum). In this section links: 1) download, 2) installation instructions, and 3) tutorials on "How-to-use" and "How-to-create", have been created so that others can create NPIB on their Web server.

JWave is also used in the section on "Interactive Computer Program Modules" for each of the scales to create an interactive interface that works best with existing legacy PV-Wave procedure files (*.pro). Because JWave is commercial off the shelf software, VNI's Web pages have extensive documentation on JWave with examples. Here we give only one example, "Polar Plots of Elastic Properties", and show how to use both JWave and NPIB for comparison.

NPIB:1.5 / Tutorials, 1.6 / User's Guide/ Download/ Install/ Tutorials, JWave3.0: VNI/ User's Guide/ Tutorials
"Polar Plots of Elastic Properties":      Working Archive: 1) NPIB 1.5 & 1.6    2) JWave3.0

ViewerLite / Atomview / CCC_atom

Viewerlite is used in the "nano" scale section of the CRCD Web pages. The user can download a copy of ViewerLite from the pages Accelrys Inc.Web home pages. For those unfortunate enough to have an immersive CAVE-like environment at their university we have also provided a copy of AtomView, a CAVE application that works with the same file format as WebLab Viewer which allows the user to load these models into the CAVE. A student project provides some background information and how to use AtomView. We have created a version of Atomview that will run with the CAVE Collaborative Console ( CCC), called CCC_atom . Again for those interested we have provided a downloadable version for both AtomView and CCC_atom with installation instructions and tutorials for the end user.
OLD-WebLab Viewer: Download / Sample Molecule file:Download
Viewerlite: Download / Sample Molecule file: Download
AtomView: Download / Installation and Functionality
CCC_atom: Download / Installation / Tutorials


For loading simple models into the CAVE and collaborating with others at remote site workstations we have also provide a link to the Collaborative CAVE Console (CCC). The CCC enables researchers and educators to collaborate with each other over the network with a CAVE-like simulator running on desktop SGI workstations. This collaboration can include CAVEs, I-Desks, Walls as well as workstations. A complete description, download instructions, installation instructions, and tutorials are provided at the CCC Web pages. We extended CCC to include Atomview which we call CCC_atom.

Contact: Dr Ron Kriz
Created 1/30/00 | Revised 2/2/00