Thick Walled Cylinders

  1. Review of equations used to predict stress distributions in thick-walled cylinders.

  2. Parametic study of variables influencing stress distributions:

    1. Interactive Java/PV-Wave (JWave) Tools: Visualize quantitative
      changes in model's physical parameters with 2D plots.
      Note: This JWave module no longer works since Visual Numerics was
      bought by Rogue Wave software and JWave is no longer supported.

    2. Clickable animations: Visualize qualitative
      changes in model's physical parameters with animations.


  1. Class lecture on derivation of equations used to model stress distributions in thick walled cylinders.

  2. References:

    1. F.B. Seely and J.O. Smith, "Advanced Mechanics of Materials", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2nd Ed., 1952, pp. 295-341.

    2. S.G. Lekhnitski, "Theorey of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Body", Holden-Day, Inc., San Francisco, 1963, pp. 223-273.


Course content: email Dr. Farkas, Dr. Batra
Interactive Courseware Development Contact Ron Kriz (Revised September 15, 2014)
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