In this section we will study the laws of motion applicable to a continuous
medium similar to Newton's laws of motion studied in particle mechanics. We
first review Newton's laws of motion below.
- Newton's first law of motion: a free particle
continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion.
- Newton's second law of motion: In an inertial frame, the rate
of change of linear momentum of a particle equals the resultant force acting
on the particle. That is
(4.1.1) |
- Newton's third law of motion: To every action
there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Newton's first law of motion defines an inertial frame. That is, an inertial
frame is one in which Newton's first law of motion holds. Usually, it is
taken as a frame attached to the Sun. However, in most engineering
problems, one can take the co-ordinate axes fixed to the earth as an inertial
frame without introducing any appreciable error. Hereafter, we will take an
inertial frame as the frame of reference.
To write the laws of motion for a continuum we note that the linear momentum
of the material enclosed in an infinitesimal volume
is the mass density and
is the
velocity. Hence the linear momentum of the shaded portion is
in which the integration is over the shaded region. To find
the resultant force acting on this region of interest, we observe that we have
two kinds of forces.
Body forces are forces that act on all particles in a body as a
result of some external body or effect not in direct contact with the body
under consideration. An example of this is the gravitational force exerted on
a body. This type of force is defined as a force intensity per unit mass or
per unit volume at a point in the continuum. Thus, if the body
force per unit mass is
, then the body force on the material enclosed in
the shaded region will be
Surface forces are contact forces that act across a surface of the
body, which may be internal or external. In non-polar continuum mechanics we
assume that the action of that part of the body which is exterior to the
shaded region on the body enclosed in the shaded region is equipollent to a
system of forces acting on the bounding surface of the shaded region. The
assumption that the contact force is of this kind is the cut principle
of Cauchy: Within the shape of a body at any given time, conceive a smooth,
closed diaphragm; then the action of the part of the body outside that
diaphragm and adjacent to it on that inside is equipollent to that of a field
of vectors defined on the diaphragm. Note that no point moments are assumed
to be exerted by one part of the body on its adjacent part across the common
surface. Thus in nonpolar continuum mechanics, moments are caused by the
forces. The contact force at a point
on a surface is usually given as a
acting on a unit area surrounding
and lying on the
surface. Through a given point in the body, there are infinitely many
surfaces. The intensity of the contact force at the point
on each of
these surfaces will, in general, be different. How does
at the
depend upon the surface through
? In the classical continuum
mechanics, it is assumed that the intensity of the contact force on all
surfaces with a common tangent plane at
is the same. That
is assumed to depend upon the surface through
through the oriented normal
of the surface at
(4.1.2) |
This is Cauchy's Postulate. A unit normal to the surface
which points out of the body is taken as positive. Thus
is the intensity of the contact force at
the unshaded portion of the body exerts on the shaded portion and
is the intesntiy of the contact force at
the shaded portion exerts on the unshaded one. The intensity of the contact
force is also known as surface traction or traction or
stress vector. Denoting the magnitude of the element of area on the
surface by
, the total contact force on the shaded region is
Thus eqn. (4.1.1) for the material contained in the shaded region takes the
(4.1.3) |
Equation (4.1.3) is known as the conservation of linear momentum. A
similar equation
(4.1.4) |
for the moment of momentum is known as the conservation of
moment of momentum. Equations (4.1.3) and (4.1.4) are the
of Continuum Mechanics, as far as this course is concerned.
, therefore, equations (4.1.3) and (4.1.4) can
also be written as
(4.1.5) |
(4.1.6) |
We now study the dependence of
in some detail.
Consider a cylinder of radius
and height
with the top and
bottom faces perpendicular to
and the point
lying on one of
the end faces. We apply
the balance of linear momentum (4.1.5) to the material
within this cylinder. Using the mean-value theorem of calculus, we obtain
(4.1.7) |
denote the values of
evaluated at some point in the cylinder. Let the height
of the cylinder go to zero and assume that the fields
bounded. Then in the limit, eqn. (4.1.7) becomes
Since this equation has to hold for all values of
therefore, the integrand must be zero. That is
(4.1.8) |
This is known as Cauchy's Fundamental Lemma and states that
is an odd function of
. We now show that
is in fact linear in
. Consider a tetrahedron, three
sides of which are mutually orthogonal, the fourth having outward unit normal
Let the area of the inclined plane
. Then the areas of
respectively. On
applying eqn. (4.1.5) to the material contained in the tetrahedron, and using
the mean-value theorem, we obtain
(4.1.9) |
In eqn. (4.1.9), the superimposed bars indicate quantities
at some point in the tetrahedron or at some point on a plane bounding the
tetrahedron. In eqn. (4.1.9), dividing throughout by
, taking the limit
as the
tetrahedron shrinks to the point
, and using (4.1.8) we arrive at
(4.1.10) |
where all stress vectors are evaluated at the point
. Setting
are unit vectors, we obtain
is a linear function of
and we can write
(4.1.12) |
By comparing the right-hand sides of (4.1.10) and (4.1.12) we get
(4.1.13) |
denote, respectively, the
surface tractions on planes whose outer normal points in the positive
is called the stress tensor. The
plane whose outer normal points in the positive
-direction is simply
known as the
-plane. Thus
, and
respectively, the surface tractions on the
are, respectively, the normal
and shearing stresses on the
-plane. Note that the resultant shear
stress on the
-plane is
. Also the positive
values of
point in the positive direction of
the axes on the positive
-plane. Because of (4.1.8), positive values of
point in the negative direction of the axes on
the negative
From equation (4.1.13) it is clear that stress vectors on three mutually
perpendicular planes at a point determine the stress tensor at that point.
Because of eqn. (4.1.12) or (4.1.10), stress vectors on three mutually
perpendicular planes at a point also determine the stress vector on any other
plane. This proves Cauchy's fundamental theorem: From the stress
vectors acting on three mutually perpendicular planes at a point,
stress vectors on every plane through
the point can be determined; they are given by (4.1.12) as
linear functions of the stress tensor
A glance at equations (4.1.5) and (4.1.6) reveals that one integration in each
equation is over the surface area whereas others are over the region under
consideration. We now transform this surface integral into the volume
integral by
using the divergence theorem. Note that
Thus equations (4.1.5) and (4.1.6) can be written as
Since both these equations must hold for every region in the
body, therefore, if the integrand is continuous throughout the body, then it
must vanish. This gives
(4.1.14) |
(4.1.15) |
These are Cauchy's laws of motion. Equation (4.1.14)
expresses the balance of linear momentum and eqn. (4.1.15) the balance of
moment of momentum. We remark that these hold in an inertial frame. Thus on
the assumption that the balance of linear momentum is satisfied, the balance
of moment of momentum reduces to the requirement that the stress tensor be
symmetric. In classical continuum mechanics,
is always taken to be
symmetric so that the balance of moment of momentum is identically satisfied.
For static problems
and eqn. (4.1.14) gives
(4.1.16) |
as the three equations of equilibrium. If a given stress field
satisfies eqn. (4.1.16), we may or may not be able to produce that stress
field statically in a continuous body. However, if a given stress field does
not satisfy even only one
of the three equations of equilibrium, then it certainly
cannot be produced statically in a continuous body.
Example: Show that the following stress field
satisfies equations of equilibrium with zero body forces.
and the equations of equilibrium
with zero body force are satisfied.
Exercise: Suppose that the body force is
, where
is a constant. Consider the following stress
Find an expression for
so that
the equations of equilibrium.
Exercise: Suppose that the stress distribution has the form
(called plane stress)
- (a)
- What are the equilibrium equations in this special case?
- (b)
- If we introduce a function
such that
will this stress distribution be in equilibrium with zero body force?