For a linear elastic solid or a Hookean material, it is assumed that the
Cauchy stress is a linear function of the infinitesimal strain. That is,
(5.2.1) |
We will assume that
is symmetric and since
also symmetric, the above six equations can be written as
(5.2.2) |
in which
(5.2.3) |
are components of second order tensors,
are components of a fourth-order tensor. It is known as the elasticity
tensor. It is this tensor which characterizes the mechanical properties of a
particular anisotropic Hookean elastic solid. The anisotropy of the material
is represented by the fact that the components of
are in general
different for different choices of coordinate axes. If the body is
homogeneous, that is, the mechanical properties are the same for every
particle of the body, then
are constants (i.e. independent of
position). We shall only study homogeneous bodies.
Because of the symmetry relations (5.2.3), the fourth order tensor
has 36 independent components. Thus, for a linear anisotropic elastic
material, we need no more than 36 material constants to specify its mechanical
It follows from (5.2.1) that whenever
. Thus, in the
reference configuration, there is no stress. This implies that there are no
initial stresses present.
A material is said to be isotropic if its mechanical properties can be
described without reference to direction. That is, the components of the
elasticity tensor
remain the same regardless of how the rectangular
Cartesian coordinate axes are rotated. In other words,
(5.2.4) |
under all orthogonal transformations of coordinate axes. A
tensor having the same components with respect to every orthonormal basis is
known as an isotropic tensor. An example of an isotropic tensor is
. It is obvious that the following three
fourth-order tensors are isotropic:
In fact, it can be shown that any fourth order isotropic tensor
can be represented as a linear combination of the above three tensors. Thus,
for an isotropic, linear elastic material, the stress-strain law (5.2.2) can
be written as
In order for the symmetry relation (5.2.3)
to hold,
. Thus
In the preceding equations
are constants.
Equation (5.2.5) is the constitutive equation for a linear elastic isotropic
material. The two material constants
are known as
Lame's constants. Since
are dimensionless,
are of the same dimensions as the stress tensor, force per unit area. For a
given material, the values of Lamé's constants are to be determined from
suitable experiments.
We now write (5.2.5) in a form usually studied in the Mechanics of Deformable
Bodies course. Taking the trace of both sides of (5.2.5) we obtain
(5.2.6) |
Assuming that
(5.2.7) |
we get
and hence
![$\displaystyle e_{ij} = \frac{1}{2\mu}\left[T_{ij} - \frac{\lambda}{3\lambda + 2\mu} T_{kk}\delta_{ij}\right]\ .$](img1392.gif) |
(5.2.8) |
To get a physical interpretation of Lamé's constants in terms
of Young's modulus
and Poisson's ratio
, we note that, in a simple
tension test, with the axial load
applied along
is the area of cross-section of the prismatic body. Also
(5.2.9) |
Substituting for
from (5.2.8) into
(5.2.9) and assuming that
we arrive at
(5.2.10) |
The elimination of
from these two equations gives
(5.2.11) |
In order for a tensile load to produce extension in the
direction of loading, it is clear from (5.2.9)
must be
Another stress state, called simple shear, is the one for which
all stress components except one pair of off-diagonal elements
vanish. In particular, we choose
. Equation (5.2.8)
(5.2.12) |
In order for a simple shear force on
plane to produce a
sliding of the
plane in the direction of the applied
must be of the same sign. For that to be true,
must be
to be positive, it follows from (5.2.11) that
. Now
consider a stress state called, hydrostatic stress, for which
. For this case, equation (5.2.8) gives
(5.2.13) |
, therefore, in order for the
hydrostatic pressure to produce a decrease in volume, we must have
(5.2.14) |
Substituting in this equation from (5.2.10), we obtain
(5.2.15) |
On the assumption that
, the inequality
(5.2.15) implies that
must be
. Rewriting (5.2.13) as
(5.2.16) |
we see that for
. That is, there is no
change in volume. Since for incompressible materials
, therefore,
for incompressible materials.
Equations (5.2.10), (5.2.11) and (5.2.5) yield
(5.2.17) |
For an incompressible material, the first term on the
right-hand side of (5.2.17) is of the form % and hence is indeterminate. It
is usually denoted by
and the constitutive relation for an
incompressible linear elastic material becomes
(5.2.18) |
is called the hydrostatic pressure, and it can not be
determined from the strain field. However, whenever surface tractions are
prescribed on at least a part of the boundary,
can be uniquely determined.
- a)
- For an isotropic Hookean material, show that the
principal axes of stress and strain coincide.
- b)
- Find a relation between the principal values of stress and strain.
Solution: Note that eigenvectors of
are the principal axes of stress and strain respectively.
be an eigenvector of
be the
corresponding eigenvalue. That is
By Hooke's law we have
is also an eigenvector of
and the corresponding eigenvalue is
b) It is clear from eqn. (
) that the eigenvalue
corresponding to the eigenvector
. Since
, therefore,
Exercise: (Recall the exercise given on page 2-11). For
, show that
Hint: It is advisable to do the problem long-hand. That
is, first expand the given expression for
. Substitute
etc. in it and then carry out the differentiation with
respect to
is called the stored energy function or the strain energy