Ronald D. Kriz*, Associate Professor
Randy T. Levensalor**, Graduate Research Assistant
* Engineering Science and Mechanics, and ** Computer Science
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
With NPIB version 1.6 all NPIB, JWave, and of course *.html files are now located
and executed from within the public_html directory off of the user's home directory.
In this section we have provided a template that will assist the user in setting
up modules that use NPIB and JWave. In this section we also outline how to set up
legacy code to execute on a local (Web-server) computer or on a larger remote-site
"number-crunching" computer.
3.1.1 Download the STARTUP_public_html.tar file
3.1.2 Extract the contents of the STARTUP_public_html.tar file
3.1.3 Modify template files to execute NPIB and JWave applications
Go into the newly created public_html directory
Notice that there are three directories: crcd/, jwave/, and npib/.
In the
directory there is a
directory where the user must
archive all compiled PV-Wave/JWave *.cpr files. This new directory must be added to
the JWave manager path by the server system administrator. The crcd/ directory
also contains the lectures/, assignments/, and modules/ set up
by the user.
In the
directory there is a
directory. In this directory
there are three JWave *.jar files that were created by the JWave manager. To avoid
copying these three *.jar files everytime JWave is reconfigured, the README file in
this directory show how to make symbolic links to these files.
In the
directory there are three directories: 1)
and two files: 1) form.jar, 2) npib.commands. The form.jar file is the same
form.jar file located in the codebase file directory "server"/npib. The
npib.commands file contains one line for each application, which can be set up to
execute either as a local_APP or as a remote_APP application.
PUT_contents_IN_home-bin/ directory contains a script file named "form"
All applications based on legacy simulation code can either be executed on the
"local_" (Web-server) computer or a larger "remote_" site "number-crunching"
computer. When submitting a job to a remote site computer a username, password,
and IP-name is required, where the NPIB user can divide up the executable tasks
on the local and remote computers by using the and shell
scripts respectively. Filenames and directories, which are prefixed here with
local_ or remote_, can be modified to more easily identify them with their
respective local or remote computer hostnames (i.e. local_ => spe_
(short for spelunker) and remote_ => pse_). The filename segment APP can be
modified to indicate the application name, i.e. APP => polar (see
../crcd/modules/module02/) or APP => edge (see ../crcd/modules/module06/).
The directory names in the users' npib.commands file, described in section 3.1.3,
uses this naming convention and is shown here again for reference.
The file first transfers the contents of the local_APP_.d
directory into a "Web-accessible working directory", which is indicated
in the script file as a period, ".", at the end of the first and second
line of this script file.
The script file moves into the "Web-accessible working directory"
("cd .") where it then sets up paths and executes the legacy simulation code.
After execution of the legacy code the script also creates images
and/or animations of simulation results.
NPIB automatically creates a "Web-accessible working directory" which NPIB labels
as outroot / <researcher_output-directory_name> / local_APP /
"unique-date-time". The script file simply refers to this directory
as a period, ".". All executions take place in this directroy and can be
periodically viewed by the researcher who
created the local_APP. Because this outroot directory is web accessible
it can also be observed by others ("research collaborators or students"). This
feature is particularly useful if the researcher/collaborators/students need to
view preliminary legacy simulation results of a batch job that could take several
days to execute. If observation of preliminary results suggests errors, the
orginiating researcher can "kill" the PID-number associated with the job that
was submitted. Inside the archived directory "unique-date-time" the
researcher/collaborators/students can make modifications and corrections and
resubmit the job using the npib.html file archived within the "Web-accessible
working directory".
The syntax for creating a local_APP requires:
Although a password setup is required when creating the npib.html file which uses
the form editor, all local jobs can be executed without password access.
The copies the contents of the remote_APP_.d directory into a
"Web-accessible working directory" denoted in the shell script as a period "." at
the end of the line. NPIB automatically creates a "Web-accessible working directory"
outroot / <researcher_output-directory_name> / remote_APP /
"unique-date-time" where
all executions take place and can be periodically viewed by the researcher who
created the remote_APP but also by the others ("researcher collaborators/students").
The NPIB file, remote_APP.npib, contains the sequence of commands to distribute
the execution of this application on the local ("lrun") and remote ("srun")
The remote_APP_.d directory contains all files for execution on remote computer.
NOTE: executable files stored in the remote_APP_.d directory must be compiled on
the remote computer, unless the user wants to include an extra compile command
in the script which is located in the remote_APP_.d directory. The
two *.sh script files: and are shell script files that
control the sequence of commands executed on the remote and local computers
The syntax for creating a remote_APP requires:
3.0 User set up "public_html" for JWave and NPIB
3.1 Download and set up NPIB and JWave directories
Downloaded this file from
and put the STARTUP_public_html.tar in the user's home directory.
3.1.4 Copy contents of PUT_contents_IN_home-bin directory into ~user-home/bin
CONTENTS of npib.commands: ------------------------------------
local_APP local /export/home/USER_NAME/public_html/npib/local_APP/
remote_APP remote /export/home/USER_NAME/public_html/npib/remote_APP/remote_APP.npib
Setting up local_APP or remote_APP applications is described in sections 3.2.1
and 3.2.2 respectively.
which links the user to the form.jar file. Using this script file the user does not
have to define the PATH and CLASSPATH to the form.jar file.
CONTENTS of form: ---------------------------------------------
java -cp /usr/local/java2/lib:$HOME/public_html/npib/form.jar:. \
form.FormLoader $
3.2 NPIB set up: execute legacy code locally and remotely
CONTENTS of npib.commands: ------------------------------------
local_APP local /export/home/USER_NAME/public_html/npib/local_APP/
remote_APP remote /export/home/USER_NAME/public_html/npib/remote_APP/remote_APP.npib
3.2.1 Setting up legacy code on "local_" (Web-server) computer.
local_APP directory contains a single shell script file, (see below),
and a
directory that contains all files for execution on the local
(Web-server) computer.
CONTENTS of -------------------------------------
#-------------------- -------------------
cp /export/home/USER-NAME/public_html/npib/local_APP/local_APP_.d/* .
cd .
source /usr/local/vni/wave/bin/wvsetup
#echo env: > temp
#/bin/env >> temp
#echo ' ' >> temp
#echo set: >> temp
#set >> temp
wave create_prop1 > & prop1_foobar
rm prop1_foobar
rm *.x
rm *.byt
rm *legend.jpg
exit 0
This file sets up directories where files are to be executed locally.
where the local_APP directory name is used.
3.2.2 Setting up legacy code to run on "remote_" site computers
directory contains two NPIB files: 1) and 2) remote_APP.npib,
and one directory
that contains all files for execution.
CONTENTS of -----------------------------------
cp /export/home/USER_NAME/public_html/npib/remote_APP/remote_APP_.d/* .
CONTENTS of remote_APP.npib: -------------------------------------
lrun /export/home/USER_NAME/public_html/npib/remote_APP/
sput $APP_remote
srun $APP_remote ./
sget $APP_remote
lrun ./
Commands in the remote_APP.npib file need more explanation, where $APP_remote
is defined in the NPIB Edit - Passwords "Working Window" and used here like
an environmental variable with information about the remote computer.
#------------------ --------------------
exit 0
#-------------------- -------------------
source /usr/local/vni/wave/bin/wvsetup
#echo env: > temp
#/bin/env >> temp
#echo ' ' >> temp
#echo set: >> temp
#set >> temp
wave create_prop1 > & prop1_foobar
rm prop1_foobar
rm *.x
rm *.byt
rm *legend.jpg
exit 0
The other files in the remote_APP_.d directory are templates with helpful hints
which can be used to avoid various pitfalls and other problems we encountered
in creating PV-Wave modules.
This file sets up directories where files are to be executed locally and remotely.
where the remote_APP directory name is used.
Contact: Dr. Ron Kriz
Created 6/24/01 | Revised 2/22/02